Newwave Media srl

Veneziana Motoscafi

Useful information

How to book

Booking with Veneziana Motoscafi is easy and safe: just fill in the reservation form and we will reply with a quotation. To confirm the reservation we request the full payment in advance, after which you’ll be sent a voucher you need to show and give the taxi driver on the day of the service.

From the following meeting points, please confirm your service by telephone call upon your arrival: Venice Airport, Maritime station, Railway station, and Piazzale Roma. Due to the high number of services concentrated in these areas and the many reasons that could delay your arrival, we kindly ask you to contact us by calling our call center (+39 041 716922) which will give you the number of your assigned boat. In this way we are 100% sure to give you the best assistance so that you can enjoy your prepaid reserved service without paying extra fees due any delay.

How many people and how many bags?

In order to guarantee you comfort and safety, every taxi boat can carry up to 10 people and 10 suitcases, or 14 people without any suitcases. For big groups we will set the necessary number of boats to fulfill the service. Should there be any difference about what previously agreed on (extra people or bags, detours along the agreed itinerary, stops), the price difference will be paid directly to the taxi driver.

What to do if you’re late

Should you realise you’re running late (it only applies to departure services) please contact our call center (+39 041 716922) at least 30 minutes before the agreed meeting time. In this way our operator will be able to reschedule the pick up time and you will not be charged any extras.

What to do if you don’t find your taxi

Veneziana Motoscafi taxi boats all display the company logo on the side glass of the cabin, therefore they are easily recognisable. You can also contact our call centre +39 41 716922 about 20 minutes before your pick up time to know the number of your reserved boat.

How to cancel your reservation

Your reservation can be cancelled by sending an email to [email protected], Mondays to Fridays from 9 am to 5 pm. Or by calling our call center during the weekends and after 5 pm or before 9 am. Our cancellation policy is 100% refound within 48 hours from the service, 50% within 48 and 24 hours from the service. Should you cancel within 24 hours from the service, there will be no refound at all..